Depending where in Australia you live, over all home construction building materials, and the type of fibro asbestos product used; much of the asbestos fibre products were banned gradually between 1980 to 2004.
Fibro roofing constructed before 1980’s contained 15% asbestos. Many of the roofing repair jobs Amazing does on older homes still contain asbestos fibres.
Generally, if the asbestos in your roof materials are in good condition, there is really no significant safety risks, however, due to the age of it, it may have damage you cannot see.
An asbestos roof become dangerous when there is breakage and later dust is produced from it.
Health risks can also exist with ceiling or roof maintenance work, such as with drilling, cutting, nailing, etc.
Health concerns caused by asbestos generally appear years later. Fibro asbestos comes in many shapes and sizes and was used in all forms of building construction.
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Contact Amazing Roof Restoration, your local roofing solution. Find out how metal roof restoration in Newcastle, NSW and the surrounding Hunter Valley areas can help extend the life and enhance your metal roof today.
While your old fibro asbestos roof might look just fine, it has no doubt suffered from the weather elements and high heats of Australia. What you can’t see, can hurt you and those near you. Avoid the health risk and get your fibro asbestos roof inspected; you will save years of health problems down the road for everyone.
Because fibro, is a bonded product, it usually does not cause concern if left in good repair. However, health risk can occur and become a problem when DIY home-owners innocently start renovation projects.
Whether you repair your roof yourself, or perform other home renovations, it is best to search out an asbestos professional or residential roofing specialist for reassurance.
If you think you are off the hook because your asbestos fibre roof looks fine, remember, besides renovations, high pressure power washing, hail damage, high heats, fire damage and vermin can cause your fibro roof to deteriorate.
Old Asbestos Ashphalt Roof
Licensed Asbestos Removal Specialists can inspect and test the material for asbestos fibre leakage and air quality, and provide asbestos advice legally. Fibro asbestos dust isn’t really something you can see, and therefore exposure to asbestos fibres is hazardous to your family’s health.
Amazing Roofing Restoration provides asbestos fibro roof conversions. Contact Amazing Roof for a quote in Hunter Valley and Newcastle. We re-roof, install gutter guards, driveway cleaning, sealing, painting and are experts in all forms of roof restoration.
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